I've been twice. I'll be honest the decor is not my favorite. All that yellow does not invoke happy- it makes me more nauseous. But that's surface value. My first time to the doc it was a somewhat quick visit although I was there early. But the kicker is my second visit. I had extremely sore throat, fever and chills and felt weak. The doc took a look at my throat and asked me if I smoked (which I do not smoke and haven't ever smoked) so that surprised me. What must my throat look like that you think I smoke!! After a negative flu and strep they didn't understand and ended up giving me Tamiflu and Antibiotics....after my daughter woke up sick the next day we went to a children's urgent care and soon realized that we both had hand foot and mouth. The urgent care didn't recognize it and gave me medicine for the flu although the test came back negative.