I was mislead by an assurion rep. She explained to me that I could walk into a store pay my deductible and get a brand new phone. (From my understanding assurion is an outsource company t-mobile uses, and they don't know all of t-mobiles guidelines and regulations. So this rep should have not been giving any advice on behalf of t-mobile. INFO I gathered from my second call to the company.) I repeatedly asked her if the only thing I was going to have to pay was my deductible, and she continued to say yes. I drive the nearest t-mobile location. I was quickly called by a rep to come to the register, and i noticed he was still helping a previous customer. At this point i felt completely awkward. The poor lady is still asking questions while i'm standing there. He was very rude to her, and there was obviously a language barrier. He could've been a bit more patient. I proceeded with my questions, and he was vague. He brought a new phone out with a case. I kept asking for pricing, and he would avoid the question by telling me the monthly price. I want a total amount. I felt very pressured, and he just wanted to make his sale. After asking several times I finally got him to tell me the total price. Which was $90.00 for the case, and i was getting an entirely new phone under the jump program t-mobile offers, plus paying my deductible of $175.00. He proceeded to explain the deductible wiped out my balance on my current i phone which was a total of $238.00. Now come on I understand they are running a business, but they DO NOT look out for their customer best interest what so ever. We've been with t-mobile 10+ years. My advice to anyone is please pay attention to what the total amount you will be paying in the long run. Don't fall into these vultures trap.