| - Was referred to CVAM by my primary after having to go to the hospital for chest pains, palpitations, and shortness of breath. Dr.skloven did an ekg which, like in the hospital, showed up normal. He came in, introduced himself, and took a quick listen, concluding that my heart was fine, explaining to me in these words, "You know, sometimes, you being a young woman, and well I don't mean to make this sound the way it will, but women tend to overreact more so than men, so maybe you are overthinking the feelings you are having, which is causing the anxiety." He then concluded that if I wanted I could wear a holster monitor. (Of course I wanted to, I know I'm not crazy, and I genuinely felt something was wrong) but after his comment, I definitely didn't want to be seen by him. I set an appointment with the cardiologist that the hospital referred me to (Tri-City cardiology) and could not have been happier with them. Oh! And even better! They diagnosed what was wrong with me! (Not anxiety OR my overactive female imagination) so thank you guys for being so horrible, that I could find another doctor who was so g