| - I have had oil changes, car repairs, and recently had a pre-purchase inspection of a used vehicle. Service is always excellent, and usually very fast. They don't overbook appointments like most places, so you usually get in on schedule (occasionally there is a delay because of jobs that took longer before you).
A couple of reviews describe recommending un-needed work. I haven't experienced that. When my A/C quit on my previous car & Honda quoted me over $1,200, they did a through evaluation and discovered my A/C was fine, it was a defect in the computer and power system. As that repair must be done by Honda and was over $2,000 I didn't have it fixed. Imagine if I had spent $1,200 only to find out I needed to spend another $2,000 on a car worth $4,000! My fee for all that work was $60 - way less than the time they spent.
Just an FYI, I'm female, and blonde.