| - The store seems to be somewhat lacking in humour- or is it? I can't really tell. Some of the ornate designs are so out there that they feel pretty silly. But the people on the posters in the windows aren't, really. And the people who asked if they could help me were a little, shall I say, "stern"?
Every time I am getting a new pair of glasses, I tend to browse, tend to feel kind of unimpressed-- but even if I wanted to, they are mostly out of my price range. Don't get me wrong, they have a really huge and interesting selection, and clearly cater to a clientele that appreciates quality and style. But for some reason, the colourful (which they get big points for) titanium always seems a little too stiff, too much like it was drawn on a photo of a face with a marker-pen (that actually sounds awesome, so never mind). I like art as much as the next guy, but I think what it comes down to is that I find their designs a little distracting, on the actual faces of actual people.
Or maybe I am just jealous.