The hotel gave me a coupon for a free appetizer with the purchase of an entree when I checked in on Sunday. It wasn't late but I was too tired from my flight to venture out and look for a restaurant so I stopped by Caffe Siena before retiring for the night. The restaurant was small and it was not busy at all. There were a few people sitting at the bar and only one table occupied when I got in. There was no hostess but the bartender noticed me as soon as I walked in. I took a seat at the bar but the bar is too high for me to be comfortable. Yes, I am short! So I took a seat over by the window. It was nice and I was able to people watch.
My server Donald, came a few minutes later and filled my glass before rushing off to do something else. He came back a few minutes later and offered some suggestions on appetizers and entrees. I was eyeing the sea bass cake and was glad to hear it was his favorite dish. I ordered it and was pleased. It was a tad dry but the coleslaw that it was served on top of made up for it. It was nicely balanced. Had this not been free, I am not sure I would have ordered it for $12 a piece. It was a very small portion.
For dinner it was a toss up between the lobster ravioli and the sea bass. I know. I know. I love sea bass. What can I say? However, I didn't order either of the two. Apparently, the ravioli is not made fresh in house. They order it outside but make the sauce. I already had the sea bass cake so I decided not to do that twice in one night. Donald advised that the evening special was a 12 ounce ribeye for $22. That sold me. Not only do I love sea bass but I also love a good ribeye steak. The steak was pretty big for me so I had to take over half of it home. The steak was served with a fresh mix of green beans, broccoli and carrots on top of some mashed potatoes. the mashed potatoes were chunky and garlicky. That's how I make mine at home so I really liked it. I liked how the vegetables were not overcooked and still retained their crunch. The steak, on the other hand, was a little overcooked and got more salty with every bite. I ordered my steak medium rare and it was well at best.
I want to come back and try their lavender creme brulee with some after dinner coffee.