Not What It Used To Be
I hadn't been to this place in a couple years. Oh my, has it gone down hill. We arrived at a little after 7am on a Monday morning and there were two other tables with diners. An hour later when we left there still no more patrons. I sense La Pete's has been abandoned -- and for every good reason.
My friends had plain pancakes. These two young men with voracious appetites didn't finish their pancakes. When we were leaving I asked if they were OK, and both said they were dry and didn't come with enough syrup. Apparently restaurants no longer serve syrup in dispensers. The pancakes were delivered with two small plastic lidded containers that were far short of what was necessary for the large stack of pancakes.
I had tea ... now was that a joke or what. The tea, which wasn't identified as to style (it just said "tea") was delivered in a broken plastic carafe. The missing lid had been replaced by a an empty plastic cup stuck in the opening. Then it went downhill from there. The tea tasted like coffee. I am assuming the same broken carafe had been used previously for coffee. Yuck! Then it REALLY got bad, I ordered crepes filled with fresh strawberries. The strawberries were very good but the crepes were despicable. They had been apparently been cooked on a griddle that had been used to cook other things. They had a distinct hamburger taste!!!!!!
I will be a cold day in hell when I go back to La Pete's again. In years past, this was a great breakfast restaurant. Those days appear to have passed. Judging from the lack of breakfast customers, I am not the only one who feels that way.