| - Ok...I gave it one star, and I'm about as GREEN as they come. I loved the idea of an "organic" cleaner and the fact that this is the closest cleaner to my house helped lower my carbon footprint. However, after two bad experiences at this dry cleaner and some serious money spent, I did some research and here's the bottom line: THEY ARE NOT A GREEN COMPANY. (I've listed several sites here where you can do your own research...don't take my word for it.)
Yes, you read that correctly...this dry cleaner is using the word "organic" and using it to mean they are "green". When a company says they are doing something good for the environment and they really aren't, It's called green-washing.
"Beware of "green washing"! The second most common type of solvent used in dry cleaning is hydrocarbon, also petroleum-based. Hydrocarbon is sometimes marketed as "organic". Beware! From a chemistry standpoint, anything with a chain of carbons can be labeled "organic". That doesn't mean it's environmentally friendly or chemical-free."
According to Organic Cleaners website, they use a hydrocarbon called DF-2000 which is manufactured by ExxonMobil Corporation. According to the EPA, DF-2000 is a neurotoxin. Granted, DF-2000 is marginally better than tetrachloroethylene (aka: perchloroethylene, perc, TCE, EVIL!!!) TCE can be found in Phoenix's water's a VERY scary chemical...carcinogenic, causes reproductive problems, etc.. But, I'm not sure which I'd rather have...slow death via neurotoxin build-up or no children and a quicker chemo-death via cancer. Hmmm, choices, choices.
GREEN DRY-CLEANING DOES EXIST, BUT NOT AT ORGANIC CLEANERS! So, instead of wasting your money at this dry cleaning scam, use wet cleaning ( or wait for the non-toxic process that uses silicone ( to come to our city.
Other resources:
Here's a green suggestion: Take your dry-clean only clothes and hang them on the line outside to air-out and try to get a few more days out of them.
Besides the fact that Organic Cleaners is still using toxic chemicals to dry-clean clothing, I have one more bone to pick. They return my clothes to me in PLASTIC bags, with THROW-AWAY hangers, and with a sticker stuck to the tag of my garment which must require some sort of toxic adhesive (the damn thing stuck so hard to my tag that it ripped the tag when I took it off). Why do they use plastic bags and why wouldn't they just re-use the hangers I brought my clothes on???
What a scam this place is! Green my ass.
Do me a favor people, stop going to this place. Take the money you're saving and DONATE it to an environmental group that's doing good work that you believe in.