| - Tucked away into the back corner of the Antiques at the Market, I sort of felt like I entered a cutely decorated friend's house. The only downside is that there wasn't anyone to greet us and we didn't see a sign that said "seat yourself". The layout added to the confusion because there was an open door to the kitchen with people working hard in that area. We were we go up to that door to order? Do we take a seat and wait for someone to notice us? We saw another couple in the restaurant eating and just decided to take a seat and figured that someone would be out soon after that. We waited about five minutes and I decided to go to the open door to see what the format for ordering was for this place. I stood there for a solid 30 seconds before someone acknowledged me and they let me know that someone would be right out.
After that bit of confusion, the service and food was absolutely excellent! They had some interesting specials, but I came there on a try their signature burger. I enjoy places that have distinctive items. I consider myself a decent enough cook and I eat salads everyday for work, so I when I go out to eat, I turn my nose up at ordering Cobb salads or dishes I can make at home with ease. I go out to eat to be wowed and I was definitely wowed.
I ordered their signature burger with fries and their iced caramel coffee. My boyfriend ordered their cubano burger (it was a special on the chalkboard with pickles, pork, ham, mustard, on their bun) with a vanilla iced coffee and tater tots. I will just say that when I bit into my burger, my eyes just many flavors! The salty-sweet bacon jam, mixed with the huge portion of mac n cheese (it was the type of mac n cheese that I love because it has the crispy baked edges and super creamy), with a juicy patty. I was not able to pick out the sriracha ketchup out but the flavor combination was divine. My boyfriend took a bite and said "I want to make love to this burger". The fries and tater tots are made with truffle oil, which is my personal favorite way of having fries. I feel like that meal hit a lot of my favorites!
They had a prepared pitcher of cucumber-lemon flavored water for anyone to grab. The only downside to that is my boyfriend hates cucumbers, so he was not able to grab any water. The iced coffees were a little too sweet for my taste. Still great and next time I would like to try their signature iced tea.
Overall, I would definitely recommend this place. Grab a bite and then let the food digest while walking around the adorable antique market. It makes for a lovely lunch date!