They keep moving their review page, and I'll keep following them with my reviews just to make sure people don't get scammed!
First Review: My first review is under the not recommended section of yelp. Do your self a favor and don't bother even going into this place to shop. The quality of furniture is very poor. Spend the extra money and go to a reputable furniture store like Walker furniture or Ashley or RC Wiley. Spend the extra money with them. Saving money at this place isn't even worth it because in the end you will spend more time fighting with them than the money you would save shopping with them.
2nd Review: *********DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM THIS COMPANY*********
First they state No Credit Check on their store windows but when you go to apply in order to get approved you have to show a mountain of paperwork, then after all of that they don't approve you for the full amount of purchase so you still have to come out of pocket with cash. They also charge a $45 application fee approved or not. Then I had to pick out another table cause they couldn't finance me for what I wanted so they had to do different paperwork and if Teri isn't there those salesmen are lost and have no clue what is going on. Then they never gave me a copy of the second invoice showing the cash I paid. A red flag should have gone up the minute I walked into that store and saw the mountain of paperwork of orders and a computer that looks like 1989 is waiting for it to come home.
I purchased a dinging room table with 6 chairs from them. They delivered it and set it up. After they left went to put chairs around the table two chairs do not fit on one side cause the width of the two chairs combined are wider than the table allows where the legs are. Second the chairs have been loose when one broke only a few weeks after i had the table they told me to bring it in for replacement or repair which i did and almost two months later and several phone calls later I still have not received the chair back. The other night I was sitting at the table doing an online college course I got up to get a drink of water went to sit back down and before i know it I was on the floor, the chair completely broke underneath me and I called them to ask about getting my money back and she told me to email her a copy of my invoice and when she replied she said that they would fix and tighten the chairs but not return my money or give me a replacement. Now why would I go and return more chairs to them if they haven't returned the one from over a month ago. Do I have stupid written on my forehead? So I replied back to her stating my issues just this evening as I am writing this so I am waiting for a response. But I am seeking other options.
**************DO NOT PURCHASE ONE SINGLE ITEM FROM THIS STORE*****************
The Better Business Bureau has been notified.
Here is their response from the BBB complaint
"Customer was called to pick up new chair and she has not picked it up yet.Customer sent a picture of the damaged chair and the manufacturer decided that the breakage was not normal use. We try to accommodate every customer, but if you are leaning back on your chair and it breaks, that is not how a dining chair should be used."
This is a bunch of baloney. How can they determine if I was leaning back in the chair if FOUR of the SIX chairs have something wrong with them. I am currently in the process of writing my response to the BBB. And I will continue updating this review as I get information
This my 3rd posting about this company, 3 out of 6 chairs have broken and I have not even owned the table or chairs for a year and this is after they replaced my chairs in September of 2014. After the first set of chairs started breaking They gave me such a hard time, but I kept pushing back so they replaced the chairs and now they are breaking again. I contacted the BBB the first time but they did nothing either! DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND DO NOT BUY ONE SINGLE ITEM from them or their sister stores! See photo above of broken chair I have more!!!!
NO SCOTT B. I do not have the wrong store