Ew. Took the fam over here for dinner one evening. The sign said seat yourself. Okay there were plenty of tables open. But NOT ONE was clean. A group of workers, including who we found out was the manager later, was sitting at the bar chattin it up. I had to pardon myself to be rude enough to interrupt their convo about justin bieber to please wipe down a table for us. Poor guy stands up slowly and wipes it down until its... uhhh... smeared with the ketchup from the prior visitor. thanks. so im already swallowing my complaints because my kids love those flippen hats. Thats when I see Mr. Cook with his gloves on by the rest of the group of workers eating his friends fries, then goes over to cook some poor customers food with those same gloves. Done. Kids, get your hats, we're outta here. We told the manager, same ketchup smearer kid, about how disappointing our experience was and what we saw. No thanks.