I have found Love Child Resale (much like Buffalo Exchange) can be quite picky with what they take and what they don't take.
Additionally, I have found that when I visit their store I find GREAT items at times and some visits I find nothing worth buying for my son.
However, I have had 2 WONDERFUL purchases from Love Child Resale. One was a HUGE Elmo (almost the size of my toddler...I think Elmo is bigger, in fact) for $16. Most recently, I picked up a red Radio Flyer scooter, also $16, in great condition. Shhh...I picked it up for his birthday. Don't tell him! :)
The staff is friendly...although often busy and not always very chatty.
If you have to wait for them to consign your clothes, Trader Joe's and Changing Hands is right next door. However, I would NOT recommend Turn Style Consignment!