Gates of hell is pure terror. It tests your fears, and really makes you think. My girlfriend and I went in castle vampire then gates of hell. We didn't do circus of horror because she HATES clowns.
Anyways. We went in castle vampire first and I thought it was gonna be stupid. And it was not. It was amazing props and illusions. This house was one of the best vampire ones ever. Very well set up. AMAZING. I fell at the end because you'll see why ;)
Then gates of hell came up....... Very vulgar and provocative. My kind of scare! :) starts off with you getting pushed into a "box" by yourself and listening to the devil in your ear. Then we went through it all. It was WAAYYYY scarier then last year. Longer especially. So we were walking, things popping out, getting thrown around, and SHOCKED. Yes. They had it last year and it's my fear. I almost started crying because you have to go through this scene to make it through and you get shocked more than 10 times. It hurts. Anyways it took us a while because I didn't know if I was gonna make it. We did. Then came this vulgar. Utter rotten smell. Smelt like dead bodies. And we were in a bathroom and this girl or guy popped out and grabbed my girlfriend and out her against a wall. And pinned her on the floor. He had her there for a good 5 minutes and she was BALLING CRYING. She said the safe word "purgatory" but softly so they didn't let her go because I don't think they could hear her. I got her up and he or she grabbed her again and she was crying horribly I tried to help her 6 times but the person was way to strong. We finally got her up and went through. She said it felt like she was gonna get raped. But hey she knew what she was gonna get into. Then we encountered the "master" and it was amazing. Then it ended. A good 20 minute or so house. Nothing like it anywhere. I recommend. If you like getting grabbed, "raped", shocked and cussed at. They call you every word in the book especially cunt. EVERYONE GO.