Copacetic... where shall I begin? It's a true rarity these days to find a person with talent that exudes so much passion for their art. So it's only fair that I share my experience with this salon. My stylist who I had went to for years had to start limiting her hours so needless to say we unfortunately had opposite schedules and I needed to find a new salon quickly! Immediately, following the break up my search for a hair queen started. Letting someone else touch my hair was very scary for me... Mostly because I'm blonde and all you other light haired girls out there know that blonde can turn to orange and/ or break off with a quickness if the stylist isn't knowledgeable. So I hopped on social media to see what I could find... after all pictures don't lie and I needed physical proof that my hair wasn't going to fall out! The pictures of her before and after's were on point and exceptionally beautiful. So of course I made an appointment. I HAVEN'T LOOKED BACK SINCE! I should add that I have an autoimmune disease which has caused me to lose a lot of hair so to say that my hair is thinning would be an understatement. Nikki James installs my hair extensions and does my color monthly and I'm grateful to have her in my life. I'm not ashamed to say that my hair was and still is a huge part of my life ... it's a shallow world we live in and I don't see that changing anytime soon. So that being said, when I started to lose my hair I lost a part of my identity which Nikki helped to restore. Thank you Copacetic for being a master of your craft and for cosmetically and psychologically transforming self-images.