| - Take a Break (or TAB, as I've started campaigning for it to be called) is one of the few sketchy-as-all-hell bars in Lawrenceville that I don't enjoy. Let's start with how freaking hot it is in there.
The place is kept at a sub-tropical level that's uncomfortable for anyone under the age of 78 (coincidentally, the temperature I believe the thermostat to be set at) AND they allow smoking inside. Now, smoking indoors is one thing, and keeping your bar hot as blazes is another, but doing them together?! Oof.
When the inconvenient truth that is global climate change catches up with us, the entire world is going to feel like the inside of TAB: a smoky, humid nightmare.
TAB boasts a truly bizarre mix of people, even for a Pittsburgh dive, and on any given night you'll see local hipsters, elderly drunks, businessmen that look like they're in the mafia and a sprinkling of yuppies kicking back $3 whiskey and cokes and $1 PBRs.
The bartenders are slow, slow, slow, even when the bar is dead, dead, dead; however, they do have sweet pool tables and darts.