This is one of the best boutiques in town. Unlike most boutiques that just sell Ed Hardy crap, this one sells clothes and art designed by local artists. The place is definitely hip-hop so make sure that suits your style. The men's side is mostly t-shirts, hoodies, and jackets while the women's side has some dresses and other chick stuff. They have tons of accessories like earrings, necklaces, bracelets, purses, and watches. They also have a ton of shoes that are all customized by local artists.
Some of the artwork inside Culture Fresh is simply amazing. There is this orange phoenix painting that I am in love with but can't bring myself to purchase. Many of the pieces are also hip-hop inspired creations using musicians as the subject. Cool stuff.
Everything is reasonably priced and the quality is pretty good too. The stuff we've bought has held up well over the months. It's a great place, check it out. It is in the AZ Center, right next to the sports store, across from Hurry 4 Curry.