Golden Cow Creamery is an awesome little ice cream store off the growing Church street of south end. It's direclty below an apartment complex so its always busy. I had the Dunkaroo ice cream, which after their social media posts, I had to try since it brought me back to my 90s wild child days of Dunkaroo madness. Unfortunately, after a 25 minute wait in line (totally get it, it was 70 in Feburary...who DOESN'T want ice cream on such a joyful day) I was a bit disappointed. The ice cream had more of a birthday cake taste rather than the hard cookies I was so looking forward to. Now, do not let that stop you from tasting this lovely place. My mom had the raspberry and brownies flavor while my dad had the salted oreo, and after one bite each i was in pure food envy! The ice creams are creamy and you can taste the homemade deliciousness. I will be back to try all the other ever changing flavors!