BEWARE - I found my experience with this office COMPLETELY DISHONEST. As a brand new patient, I had a very clear conversation with the office in making my first appointment. I was coming in for a consultation to determine what future treatment was needed for a vein. My copay would be due (which I paid) and future treatment would be submitted to my insurance for approval. What they knew but didn't mention is that during the consultation some procedures would be performed (in this case an ultrasound) that I would potentially pay for. When I call them, they keep talking over me and spinning the facts that it is my responsibility to know my benefits, not them. It is impossible for me to know the specific insurance benefit when the office witheld what procedures they might likely perform and then subsequently bill for. If they had said when I was making the appointment that this, this and that could likely be performed to determine future treatment and insurance may or may not pay for it, then I'm prepared and can make my own informed decision as to whether I will move forward with the appointment or at least ask more questions. That's reasonable and fair business practice. Only then to bill me more money for that initial visit that they are calling "multiple copays". In actuality what happened is they performed an ultrasound which I will assume is standard practice for them (so they should have anticipated my potential costs) and "doppler" which were total costs of $1040 and a portion I will pay. Their treatments may be satisfactory. I wouldn't know. I'm just letting you know to be prepared to pay hidden costs.