For a retirement community restaurant, it's pretty decent. But I've only gone because our prom happened to be right next door.
The Goods:
1. Eat dinner whilst watching geese waddling to and fro and families of bunnies hopping across the green...sometimes you might even spot a heron trying to catch fish in the lake (last night a baby bunny sat so close to me with only a thin pane of glass separating us. CUTE!)
2. Free half order of their specialty onion rings (coupon in the paper)
3. $2 Manhattans
4. No screaming babies and kids running around (since it's in Sun City Grand)
5. Addictively tasty green beans
The only negative that happened to us was one order of burnt ends that were neither yummily burnt nor ends. It just seemed like old cuts of beef with bbq sauce. My dinner was good though. I could only eat half, the portion was huge!