| - To be completely honest with you, I wasn't on hiatus from Yelp all this time (I know my reviews were starting to become missed about these parts).
I have been thinking for almost a month now on what place I could write a review for my big number 1-0-0! I wanted it to be someplace I frequented way more than I'd like to count and really needed to be noticed for such. After some deep soul and brain searching, I asked myself is there no better place to review other than Arrowhead Hospital?! Nope, I think this choice tops about everything (that is that I haven't already reviewed).
I've had one near death experience in their ER. Leave it to me, to end up in the ER for the most bizarre or scariest things I could have ever imagined (try a butter knife stab to the left index finger or a locked jaw due to a sudden onset of TMJ at 2am on for size!). But I have this theory going that AZ has been trying to kill me since the moment I first stepped foot on its dry cracked soil.
Yet, I hold no grudges for it, I just simply go get fixed up and put back out here in the world. Considering most of the times I ended up here I was slightly incapacitated, I will have to say I was treated as well as a hospital can treat a ER patient. They would let me sit in the waiting room until I passed out or faked death, check on me once I made it to the ER, fix IVs, and sometimes bring me stuff to stay preoccupied with while I waited for a horrid prognosis (yea, I know I can be a bit dramatic, but just keep reading!). So yay for average bed side manner and medical professionals and staff that do their job! I've visited others here before and saw a bit of how the non-ER hospitalites lived. I think they've got it ok, but I only base this from outward appearances and have no non-ER testimony of my own.
So why the three stars Ameerah, you ask? You're still alive and kicking, in moderately good health and not the most noticeable scars...And you know what I say in response? I say, I got some beef. I got some serious beef! But not with the physical hospital per say, but with their billing/collections department. Abrazo Health Care has the most incompetent individuals working for them in that department! I'm still haunted with this to this very day! Numerous (no, not just one!) medical bills that were PAID for by my insurance ON TIME, but have their stamp of delinquency in my credit history.
There is another thing I would like to add to my list of things you don't mess with about me. And that's my credit. I'm an adult now, and its really important that I don't have things like that lingering about, please and thank you. So yes you, Abrazo Health Care billing, I despise your methods of operation (or more like the lack thereof) and consequently one of your facilities that I frequent is getting the brash decision of a star reduction on its review!!!
(insert maniacal laugh here)
Arrowhead Hospital, keep up the average work! And Abrazo billing, improve, like major!