I will always say that Chic-Fil-A is the best fast food in the business. I still say that, but Steak 'n Shake is nipping at Chic-Fil-A's heels.
The food here is spectacular. Very very good. Prepared just right, hot, tasty, and plenty of food per serving.
The price is unbelievable! Less than $12 fed both of us and we were full.
They have all kinds of "little things" that make it an over the top experience. Real plates! An actual waiter! Silverware! At a fast food joint!! It's seriously great.
The only thing that was a little lacking was the service. Oh, they did fine, don't get me wrong. I didn't feel offended, I got what I ordered, and my drink was always filled. It's just that I didn't feel like like they were rolling out the red carpet (for that... Go to Chic-Fil-A)
Honestly a great place to eat with good food and unbeatable prices.