| - The most important aspect of this store to me is the organic and natural products they sell. This is the sole reason I shop here, and they completely meet my expectations as far as product quality. However, be forewarned that the store focuses on *luxury* (read: expensive) skincare products. Of course, you get what you pay for, and I want to pay for non-toxic products that make me look and feel good. If this is what it costs, then I'm willing to splurge.
On that note, I want to point out that Citrine does not put price tags on their products. You have to ask the sales associates for the pricing on every single item you're interested in. And often when you ask, they don't know the exact price... they say "I think it's like $45", or in the case of my last visit, they actually quoted me the wrong price and I didn't know that until after I'd already been rung up. I find this very frustrating and off-putting, and really wish they would post their prices. Also, although friendly, the sales associates I've encountered are often high-pressure. So be prepared for this before you come in, and don't let yourself be swayed into buying something you're not sure about, and especially without knowing the price (if that's important to you).
Despite my personal frustrations mentioned above, this is the best place I've found so far for high-quality, natural skincare and cosmetics. If your budget can handle it, I recommend checking it out.