| - We went to the Beauty Bar last night to see This Charming Band (Smiths cover band.) We got there at 10:30, when the band was supposed to play. There was a grand total of maybe ten people in the bar at that time. The band, who were easy enough to pick out (pompadours and rolled jean cuffs), were having a good time at the bar but were in no way making moves towards actually playing music.
By 12:30 we decided it was time to leave and only then did the band decide to play. They played on an outdoor stage in the back of the bar. When we drove past in the alley behind the bar, we could see vaguely that it looked like a pretty cool little spot.
Overall though, I was thoroughly unimpressed with the Beauty Bar. Seating is a joke: two ugly arm chairs, an even uglier couch and a scattering of salon style hair chairs and some stools at the bar. I'm not sure if they had cleared it out a little to allow room for dancing as there was a DJ, but regardless it was not unlike many junior high school dances I've attended: a lot of people standing around looking vaguely uncomfortable. At about 11:30 the March of Over Styled Hair began to trickle through the door. I too, fell victim to over indulging in product, but my pieced out razor cut is NOTHING compared to the shit these girls were wearing on their heads. And for the love of God do not even get me started on the girl wearing the red sequined top. I cannot even begin to explain what it looked like other than terms like "garish", "tragic" and "unfortunate".
The drinks were overpriced, but everything in Vegas is overpriced. The DJ did a decent job, however stopping/starting a song multiple times is usually a big faux pas in what is supposed to be a dance club. He played a pretty varied mix of 80s songs though, and it seemed he eventually fell into a sort of groove and there were no more shakey false starts.
My major complaint here is that I am really tired of going out to bars to see a band, advertised to be playing at a certian time, only to be waiting on them for SEVERAL hours before they start. Who ever is promoting and/or responsible for the bands should make certian that they play roughly within the time frame of the advertised time. I don't mind a band going on half hour to hour late, especially if there's no one in the bar yet. Two hours, however is excessive. Especially when it's midnight.
Bad hair and sequined tops aside, the crowd inside the bar appeared to be pretty diverse, which is nice for a Vegas night club. I may or may not visit the Beauty Bar again, but one thing is for sure: thank God it's right next door to the Griffin which makes for a quick and easy escape.
Oh, and you can valet at the Downtown Cocktail Room for $5 and not have to worry about leaving your car on the street in sketchy downtown Vegas, or having to walk all the way through the Four Queens to validate your parking for the garage.