The hotel has seen better days. They give rooms away with purchases at Scottsdale Fashion Square...their rooms are outdated and the property itself is fairly loud, though decent location for hitting up old town. The pool on the other hand is kind of a joke. It's not private and they open it to the public when they have their "pool parties". The DJ is generally good, but expect the trash of Scottsdale to come out in droves and bring their kids who generally have no respect for anyone else in the pool and their parents don't really keep an eye on them because they are too busy drinking and trying to hook up...I guess this is why if you want to go to a real pool party the place to go is The W as they do not let kids in, plus the drink price is roughly the same, but better atmosphere at The W. If you want a cheap room in old town stay, it definitely is a good deal...if you want to hit up a pool party in old town, miss this pool all would probably have more fun staying at home sitting in your bath tub, but let's hope the management realizes this and fixes this problem.