California Hotel & Casino, being from California and get to gamble at the California, how awesome is that?
I hope years from now that this Casino will still be here, these places are what made Vegas. People forget that back in 1950/1960 people went to jail for fraud selling land just adjacent to these Hotel/Casinos. That land is now with Millions upon millions of dollars, go figure.
Where else can you go and run the Belly of the Buddha in the Lobby when you walk into the Hotel/Casino?
I am sorry if you are gambling on the strip you are just plain DUMB. In Downtown you are hanging where the Elephants are, people betting 100's of thousands of dollars on sporting events. The odds of any table or video game are so against your favor so why not increase those odds slightly and game where they want your business.
I dig coming here. You get great food, great atmosphere and a great time which all equals out to more bang for your buck.
I will continue coming here every time I am in Vegas to pay homage to the way Vegas used to be and the way it should be now.