was eating across the street, couldnt hail a cab so decided to go in for a massage. there were 2 of us and we were able to get our massages in the same room. the chairs were so comfortable and the massage therapists were great. super nice and even charged my phone. helped us take some pictures, gave us water and tea. it was great after a long wkend of partying. i would of gave 5 stars but after paying and giving the therapist $5 for a $20 massage she asked for $10 instead. thats a dam 50% tip but because they were good and super nice we ended up giving it to them anyway.thought it was actually funny.even though a higher tip was demanded we will def go back. we couldnt get a cab and the guy therapist( which was mine) offered to drive us back to ballys for $15. so it was all good!!!