Had a recent ER visit here and did not approve of my visit at all.
Intake :
The intake nurse was very short and it grossed me out that she took out a medical glove to take something off the bed and then had me get on the bed....after she had just used a glove to take something off of it?! Ew.
IV :
The nurse gave me an IV and I've had plenty recently. I felt something pouring down my arm and heard him say, "Wow! That's a juicy vein!" I was bleeding everywhere. Apparently he didn't clean my blood up because another nurse came in and asked if I was bleeding. There was blood all over the equipment he didn't clean.
Police? :
There was a behavioral patient in the hallway with a police escort and I felt scared to be there. She was screaming at the top of her lungs and they were trying to calm her down. The police escort helped but also made me feel nervous why she was there.
Scans :
The X-ray tech wheeled me so quickly I gasped, thinking she was going to run me into the door jamb. She abruptly would stop me and I wouldn't but felt nervous with her quick motions. The CT scan person said, "Dammit!" when I came in the room. He assured me he wasn't talking to me but a piece of equipment and then cursed again. He also dropped an s bomb while I was there too. He had to run iodine through me twice bc he couldn't get a clear read the first time.
Nurse and delays :
The doctor said I was dehydrated and called for IV fluid. Hours later, it still hadn't been done and he came in to discharge me. I asked him when I was going to get that IV when a nurse rushed in with it and said she was doing it right now. She used her teeth (ugh) to rip the IV plastic off and start it going on me.
Dirty :
I felt something poking me at the back of my gown and reached back to see what it was. It was a used sticky that had not washed off when they laundered their gowns. Gross. When I came home from the ER, I noticed I had a deep reddish purplish rash on each leg where they put monitors on me.
Conclusion :
I want to say I had a good experience here, but I want to be honest first and foremost and I did not the night I visited. I felt extremely nervous bc I didn't trust in the workers working on me. Foul language, spoiled technique, delayed care and lack of cleanliness is why I'm giving this place a one star.