How come this place has not been reviewed?
This place is the quintessential dive bar. It was very dark on the walk in, but I heard that the parking lot had a power outage. The bar was cool, as I really enjoy dive bars that have bar games. They have Wii there too so we had fun bowling all night. It was easy to make friends and soon we had a few 21 and up ladies hanging out.
The bartenders were cool too, although one of the bartenders took forever to get drinks. She seemed to have a very forgetful memory. That is ok though, as it just may have been a bad night for her.
It was still a good night for us, and if the vibe is as good as it was last night, I don't see why I wont go back often. I hear on saturdays they have karaoke too, so if you like that sort of thing they say that is the place to do it.