Worst customer service in Vegas.
I was really looking forward to this adventure but was disappointed that the ride broke down and the staff treated us and every rider around us rudely.
Its a huge process to make it to the zipline entrance (by the dj booth) then you wait by the dj booth till the "photog" or someone helps you down the stairs. We waited for about a half hour up by the stairs till we were told to go down to the end of the stairs. As we got to the bottom i had no idea where to go and asked out loud where do we go now? Another guest was in a line and he told us we need to get in line to get refunds. I was completely confused because no staff member told us the ride was shut down.
Shortly after a female staff member was by the line and rudely laughed and said "i guess they think they're still riding tonight" talking about all of us in line confused about what was going on. I asked what was going on and she said we could come back in the morning to ride the ride. I then asked her can we only come back in the morning and she said we can come back whenever. We weren't told that our passes would be valid or given any direction. By passes i mean a little receipt paper. So we waited in line to get refunds worked that our paper receipt wouldn't be accepted at another time. When we got to the front the older gentleman told us they can't refund groupon and that we need to write into groupon ourselves for a refund. After we waited for 15mins again for no reason.....
I then asked the gentleman why we weren't notified that the ride was shut down and he said we were. I said that we weren't and explained that we wouldn't have come all the way down the stairs if someone would've told us what was going on. We were completely in the dark. He then told me to step to the side because he didn't want to deal with me and argue. When he said this i said that he was being rude and they need to have better customer service. He once again said please leave i don't want to argue. I think this was unfair because i wasn't arguing, i just wanted to be informed about what was going on and wanted to let him know nobody on staff was taking care of their customers.
Before i left i made sure to tell him that they need to respect customers that visit vegas. Many people come here on vacation and have limited time. By not informing your patrons you're wasting their time and its not professional.
Now we need to contact groupon to fix Rio and the Voodoo ziplines issue. This definitely left a bad taste in my mouth and I really hope you don't always treat your customers like this when your ride fails.