after the walking dead, everyone in america is obsessed with zombies. and rightly so! what's not to like about the undead?!?
this store is full of win! i had some time to stop here before lunch with friends... and i'm glad i took the time to check it out.
they sell a variety of knives, ninja stars, swords and food survival kits. honestly, lots of cool items to spend money on. coming from california, this store was a huge eye opener... since 1/2 of the store would be empty if this store were to be opened in california. damn you california and your strict weapon laws.
when i went last weekend, there was a dude dressed up as a zombie with face panting that looked legit. i was just checking out some t-shirts when he popped out from the back and it fucking gave me a heart attack. kudos to you mr. zombie man.
the only con is that the parking lot is very small and shares the parking lot with a pawn shop?
sadly, i didn't buy anything since i was in a rush, but the next time i'm in vegas... i'll have to stop by again and take my time for sure.