One of the better/cleaner Chinese banquet-style restaurants in Mississauga.
Depends on what type of meal you are going for - offers dim sum, full lunch and dinner services and even can be rented for weddings/celebrations. Because of the location, there is a good multicultural mix of people (not just Chinese people) and therefore the waitresses/servers can communicate in English.
- average food (dim sum & dinner service)
- environment/ambiance: very clean and spacious; comfortable setting
- comparable prices to other Chinese banquet-style restaurants in Mississauga, but better environment and food
- average food (is a pro and a con; not the most delicious, but very normal quality)
- service is average; normal Chinese restaurant style service (nothing exceptional, nothing supbar; just gives you what you need)
Definitely a good standard choice for dim sum or Chinese meals in Mississauga; borderlines Oakville, so the clientele is definitely more multicultural, which means cleaner and more well-kept restaurant.