One star for hosting Mystere.
One star for price. but WTF. Just because you gave me a great deal on three rooms, you do NOT have the right to wake me the fuck up at 8am.
What time is check-out? Noon, you dumbnut.
So WHY did you send someone to beat on every single door (before opening each door)? oh, and at 8am? Hello? Vegas time? that's like 2 hours after going to bed!
My room had the door bolted. Person in one room was leaving the room as the TI rep let herself in. But the other room? well, they were sleeping neked on top of the covers only to wake up and find some strange lady staring at them. Mmhmmm. Nevermind the "Intimacy Requested - Do Not Disturb" sign that I placed on their door for them. Apparently that sign means, "please come join for a menage a trois"
So I call to inquire only to be met with dumbfoundedness and a response that they don't know who has checked out early or which rooms are vacant. Are you kidding me? Who the fuck checks out before 8am in Vegas???
So be ready to wake up before 8am and to stay awake as you listen to them POUND on every single door in your hallway. Yes, you'll hear them all. Oh, and they didn't even start cleaning rooms until after 11:30am. Bastards.