My grandson and I went in there to look around and it's interesting. I wanted some raw honey and found it there in quarts. Now I noticed it was kind of cloudy looking but didn't think too much of it until we took off the lid. The whole damn quart is solid sugar. Nothing on the jar that says the honey has gone to sugar or even the name of the rip off owner of it so he could be called and own up to his crapy sales technique. So everytime I want to use some honey I have to dig it out with a big strong spoon and then microwave it, which you aren't' supposed to do, just to have a little honey for something. I will never go into this store again and as for the people who own or run it, it's their responsibility to take care of things like that and at least see to it the public knows what they are buying. No one would knowingly buy a quart jar of honey gone to sugar.
S. Freshwater