| - I went in, originally hoping to get a tattoo from Maggie, because I had heard she's the best of the best. She got me a consultation with Cory, and while I was hesitant because he's a guy, and my first tattoo was going to be really intimate and emotional, he kept me at ease. My first tattoo is a support/survivor ribbon for sexual assault and domestic abuse- my assault and abuse that I've endured. I ended up setting up the appointment a week later, and went in with my best friend. He made me feel totally at ease the entire time. Cory ensured me we could pause whenever I wanted, and I just had to tell him. He took short breaks after I screamed louder than usual. He even made me laugh because he was laughing at the creative strings of curse words I was yelling. I am absolutely in love with my tattoo. Because of what my tattoo means to me, and what this month is (April is sexual assault awareness month), I started bawling when I saw it, an emotional wreck. He wanted to clarify that my tears were happy ones, and they were. Cory gave me a hug after, and said to call him when I wanted my next one- and I will. He set me up to feel 100% comfortable with aftercare, and I am so happy. Just got the tattoo yesterday, and I can't stop looking at it. Thank you, Cory.