Knew it was going to be overrated, knew it was going to be trying very hard to be very fancy and pretentious, knew we would spend a million dollars for four bites of food, and we went anyway just for the helluvit, because we're ballers like that.
It was a great experience! We just rolled with it - when given a complimentary and delicious drop of a watermelon champagne thing as an amuse-bouche, we expressed our gratitude and relayed that indeed our bushes were very amused. We enjoyed how the staff tried to keep up the pretentious front but really didn't know any of the ingredients of anything. It's all about the cube - don't take it too seriously. Everything was very tasty, the fish dishes were the biggest winners, and the drinks were delicious.
Had just a few bones left over to hit up the strip club on the way home. Nooch.