Scrolling not far through the reviews I found a couple that shared an almost identical experience. No one greets you or says a single word to you when you walk in, I guess you have to be part of the Maestro Posse to receive a greeting. Granted other people have appointments but I sat there and watched someone who came in well after me receive his haircut. Not only that, the guy acknowledges I've been waiting for a while and tells me to write my name up on a board which considering I was a first time customer I didn't know about. Perhaps with a greeting they could've told me. He tells me he will get to me, and I sit there waiting and waiting listening to this guy do more talking than cutting hair. I have more hair on my nuts than that customer had on his entire head, yet it took well over a half hour for the cut itself. All said and done I wasted about an hour and a half of my time for someone to say two sentences to me and receive no haircut. I didn't want to wait any longer, by the time I got the cut I'd be getting social security. I'll take my business elsewhere!