I was new to getting herbal medicine. Saw the Dr. within 40 mins not sure how long the wait was. Met someone else in line that said he has seen him 5 xs now and had great results. I can't wait to see how the tea's work. I have read great things about the healing. The woman made the teas in about 10-15 mins.
Dr. took my pulse, and asked me if things were bothering me then gave me a diagnosis. His English I think is a little lacking but I don't care because I could tell he really knew what he was doing. I have used Chinese herbs from packets from my acupuncture Dr. in LA and had amazing success with them getting rid of migraines and all my PMS symptoms were gone 100%. Plus I lost 15 lbs from just alone.
The tea I have to warn you tastes really bad, but I am a big baby about drinking things I don't like or eating them. I am making myself though because i have had so many more problems with Western medicine and how they only mask the problem with medicine. Chinese herbs from what I have heard talking to people that lived in other countries actually heal. I can't wait to go back and learn more about all of this! I drank my tea last night just sipped it and drank OJ after each sip. Probably not suppose to do that but oh well, whatever I have to do to get it down. Taste is strong!