| - This was one of those 'fun while it lasts' type of apartment complexes for me. My roommate and I moved here in June, 2010 and stayed til July, 2011. We had a 'roommate style' 2-bed/2-bath apartment that was somewhat spacious and pleasant to live in. Easy to maintain aside from one particular area; the laundry room. Literally wedged between an area of the kitchen and the fridge, the room was an absolute mess! Full of dirt and grime and lint that appeared to have been there since the Dark Ages, you just couldn't clean it! I think even management showed us before we moved in that was "supposed" to look that way! Ugh!
Well, my time of living there was enjoyable...while it lasted as I mentioned earlier. At times, the apartment complex was fine, no problems, no hassles...but then came a change in personnel at the main office. The woman who worked there that typically received calls from me was a very heavy smoker and you could hear it in her voice. She sounded like she just didn't want to talk to anyone and God forbid you tell her there's a problem with your dishwasher, your shower, or your A/C unit. She just seemed like she couldn't be bothered unless you were coming to give her a rent check.
Also, there were a lot of marijuana smokers in the area as whenever I'd come home from work, it'd be like walking through a heavy thick cloud smelling like a combination of skunk and gasoline.
It also took almost a month for us to get our Internet set up at the place because apparently you could ONLY have specific types of amenities based on special contracts they had set up with companies. We HAD to have Centurylink for our Internet, we HAD to have Renter's Insurance, we HAD to use the on-site maintenance for control of pests. God, the amount of times I had to call for roach/spiders/other various creepy crawlers that entered into our place during that year...I finally had enough and purchased a box of insect poison devices to set all throughout corners of the apartment which finally did the trick.
Again, "fun while it lasts" was how I described this place and it just wasn't an apartment worthy of enjoyment as much as it was pretty much just there to eat, sleep, bathe...repeat.
I hope that it has "stepped it up" a bit since 2011.