I took a cab at the Palms Hotel late Friday night, shortly before midnight to north Las Vegas. I had taken cabs all week and the fare was consistently $40-$45 ish.
I got this cab in the taxi stand line at the hotel. Upon settling in, the driver rudely asks for a $50 deposit! I was puzzled by this outrageous request. I have NEVER heard of such a thing. I was tempted to get out of the cab and get another one, but I was tired and didn't want to get back in line at the taxi stand line.
Fare was $39, by the way. Umm....yeah, he got no tip.
I was not happy. the next morning, I call the company to inquire about this practice. the driver stated this was policy for longer rides. I wanted to confirm this.
The woman who answered the phone stated this was not their policy, BUT that drivers have the right to do this. I was surprised by this response.
I expressed that this seems like poor customer service. She rudely challenged me stating they have been doing this for years, and it has worked well for them.
Ok, fair enough. I will make it a point NOT to take a cab from this company again.
Even if this means waiting a bit longer in the taxi stand line.
I had great luck with Union Cab as I called them to pick me up from where I was staying.