| - I love Ikea because they have a huge selection of items from the stuff you can customize all the way to the cheapy and it all just works.
A few years ago I wanted to change up one of the bedrooms and spent a little less than $3,000 including paint and ended up with a beautiful room with blue walls, plants, rugs, art work and green accents. The malm line of furniture provided that trendy look that I was searching for and their rugs and accessories made the space pop. Perfect for a guess room, but that bed is a little too low for me and getting out of it was crazy. I swear it made me feel like I'd been running with Harriet Tubman the night before and couldn't get up out the bed. Okay, maybe I exaggerated a tad?
Most recently, I got another bed from them for a room in my house and its a cute, princess like, metal frame.
If you get hungry here, don't fret because they have a cafe too. Can you say cheap meal that tastes good?! I was fearful that their salmon wouldn't be good but boy was I surprised. It was flavorful and moist. The other person with me had swedish meatballs....goodness gracious they were some good balls! No really, the sauce makes them and that's all that needs to be said. Wash your meal down with some lingonberry punch and you'll be set! Yum!
Will I visit again? Hecks to the yeah!!!
My only warning: If you go on a Saturday, make sure you have the patience of Job.