So I got a groupon for a massage with Liz. Little did I know it would be a life-changing experience. This is not your run-of-the-mill spa/relaxation/candles/zen music massage. This woman knows what the hell she is doing.
First, she started doing her thing and asked if I had been in any sort of car accident. I'm assuming she asked me this because I work at an ad agency and it's about on the same stress level playing field as a medium-to-serious fender bender on a daily basis.
I have this spot in my lower back that just hurts all the time. She pressed a spot on my calf. It didn't feel good. Actually it hurt. But two minutes later the pain in my back that had been a constant for the last two years had disappeared. Like freaking magic.
I walked out of there feeling like a high million bucks. Seriously, this was life changing. I don't get massages on the reg, usually only once every year or two. But now the tides are turning. This woman has put a spell on me.
And she works Sundays.