What a wonderful show that Bacon Bros put on, that was marred by the lack of security. After a few songs, a lady came from the back up to the front to dance and Security came and told her to return to her seat. Then Kevin said, "You can dance." He didn't say for everyone who paid $40 to come from the back and stand in front of everyone who paid $75. It got so bad that a Gentleman, with crutches, and his wife left not even half way through the show because they couldn't see anything from their front row seats. I've never been to a show where people are allowed to move up toward the stage from the back. Security usually checks a ticket to make sure you belong up there and tell you to return to your seat if you don't. Most concerts you dance at your seat. When people in the front row complained to Security, they got, "Talk to Kevin Bacon". I will not be returning to this Venue.