| - I was doing my usual Sunday shopping/eating errands and was happy I stopped inside the new SF market.
I can be a foodwimp at times, I admit this. If a place is dirty or smells, or god forbid I see flies in the produce section, I RUN out like there's a swarn of killer bees after me! Ethnic markets for me seem to be a big culprit. King Ranch, then a few other Asian markets have made me be hesitant if things look skeevy. Even the beloved International Marketplace used to REALLY bug me with the fish department smells.
SF Market is CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN and very organized. The produce is gorgeous and very delish. Bought a great Honeydew melon there! So many things that look good, it's been the first place i've really noticed FRESH waterchestnuts, you gotta shuck/skin them yourself.
The meat department when I was there was excellent. A varied selection, lots of pork (yay!) and stuff looked good. Bought some ground beef and a pork roast, both were great.
The seafood section was OMG huge! This is the department that usually sends me running, if it smells too fishy. I was so happy to smell only a clean, disinfected almost sanitized smell, no fish. SO GREAT! Lots of variety, and not just cod or salmon. Skate wings? First time i've seen that in Vegas. The little guys all looked fresh.
My go-to place for Asian exotic foods now!