| - The darling Orchid and I have patronized several Wal-Mart stores on the west or northwest side of town - Spring Mountain/Rainbow, Charleston/Decatur, the one behind Texas Station, and at least one more that escapes my memory at this time. This particular outlet has a few things going for it, despite being somewhat farther from the Nest than the others: clean, well-lit, 24-hour operation, spacious (it feels like the aisles are set just a bit further apart than those at other outlets), and, with the exception of this particular episode, much friendlier and more competent people. And, then there was Daisy.
Date: 8 October 2016.
Time: approximately 0315. (That's quarter after three in the dark, dark morning for you 12-hour-clock types out there.)
Checkstand: 4.
The Orchid and I spent our usual more-than-an-hour going through the store on our regular every-other-week grocery-and-whatnot run, and headed for the front. I looked all across the front and saw no lights on except the self-checkouts. (There are multiple reasons why I do not like, and unless in direst extremis, will not use self-checkouts. Don't need to go into that now.) Orchid asked if there was any way someone could man a full-service register. She was pointed to Register 4, which had its light off, but one party standing there, apparently midway through a checking-out, but no employee present. When I asked, they said that the checker just stopped in the middle of the transaction and walked away. They were reluctant to just abandon their prospective purchases (as was I, for the same reasons - we'd spent a good deal of time collecting our items), so they waited. And, as this was the ONLY full-service register open, so did we. About ten minutes later, here comes a short female in a yellow vest, name tag "Daisy," and, apparently without a word, started (resumed) checking this party out. They get done, and I have been putting items on the belt. I look up to exchange the "how'd'ja do" pleasantries, and find that she's disappeared again. Now, I AM getting a little frustrated. But, Orchid wants me to wait, so I wait. About seven minutes later, she comes back, and again, without a word, either of greeting or explanation, begins to apply herself to the ringing up of product. Orchid notices one of those yellow job-title tags on her name tag that says "Customer Service Manager." We look at each other, and I make the American Sign Language sign for "service," with the cock of the head that implies a question. ("Service?") Fast-forward about six or seven more minutes. Miss Daisy once again stops ringing up our desired purchases, and, again without a word, disappears. Gone for about seven minutes or so, with Orchid holding on to my belt to keep me from walking out. She returns, and resumes checking us out.
Finally, we get to the end, I run my debit card, and we leave. Orchid tells me that she heard someone say that Miss Daisy was "trying to fix a machine" in the store.
O-kay .., she (1) disappeared from at least two different clients, without (2) any word of explanation, or (3) any word of greeting when changing clients. And this from a (4) supposed "Customer Service Manager." If this was my store, well ... we're all familiar with that saying. I guess this just means we'll have to show up closer to 1800 (six of the PM on the twelve-hour clock) just to avoid her. Store and district/regional/next up-line management will also be notified.
Other than that, as stated at the beginning of this review, we like this store, and I don't see this issue as being a deal-breaker ... yet.
On the Nighthawk 100-point scale: Overall and past experiences, a solid 88. This particular episode, a dismal 20.