I used to be a regular here. I'd always get take out on the days I worked (around 10:30 pm) and go there on my days off with friends. When I moved about 6 months ago I stopped getting food from here because it was a little too far. Now I'm back in the area and even though it was only 6 months I decided it was still probably a good idea to check and see when they close
So I called at 7:30-8pm and the nice little lady said that they didn't close until "midnight". WONDERFUL :)
So I get there at 10:30, and they're all locked up with the lights off!! So after inspecting the place for a minute I walk back to my car and run into the employees! Guess they randomly decided to close early! In my eyes that is just one very rude way of telling your customers to EFF off and that you don't care about them.
GREAT JOB EARLS! I won't be going there to waste my money on a business ran by idiots that can't seem to know that midnight is 12am, not 10:30 pm!!