| - Having lived in the uft res two summers in a row, I have been eating food from this cafe quiet a few times (since my stay in the res included mandatory a meal plan). Everything in this cafe is overpriced. Ranging from gum, chips to actual lunch. The only decently priced item here would be the cold pasta ($5). However, most of the time it would be so salty (that it tasted bitter) that I had to throw it out - happened twice, I should have avoided it after having it the first time.
Let me move onto the hot foods that they serve at lunch. On the days that they serve some type of stew, like beef stew, it is pretty good. However, if you want a balanced meal that consisted of protein (meat), carbs (rice, potato), and vegetables, it would cost you around 15 dollars for your lunch. Because it is $6 for a meat item, 2 dollars for rice, and another 6 dollars for a vegetable item, then theres tax. Most of the time, students only get one item (either meat or vegetable) with rice or potato for the meal. Because it is simply over-priced.
They cook a big pot of soup in the beginning of the day and as more and more people purchase the soups, they increase the volume of the soup by adding hot water. I have seen them doing that a couple of times.
Starting from late July, they also cut down the amount of oatmeal that they put in the fruit yogurt parfait by half, without adjusting the price accordingly. In Aug, they further decreased the amount of fruit in the fruit yogurt parfait.
They are also very stingy with giving out their tiny plastic bags. One time I purchased a lunch box, and a drink and I had to meet up with a friend that was 35 min walk away and I was afraid that if I put the lunch box in my purse the sauce would spill out into my purse and when I explained that to the cashier lady, she refused to give me the tiny plastic bag because I only purchased a lunch takeout.