| - My sister is crazy obsessed with the "Pawn Stars" show, so while in town, she begged me to make this one of the first stops on her travel itinerary.
I don't watch a large amount of TV, but her storytelling yarns of what makes this place so awesome did in fact intrigue me. That, and I've always wondered what the deal was with the out of control huge lines that form and stay there every time I pass by. So it really was killing two birds: Make my sister happy, and see what's up with this place. I don't have the massive obsession factor with the place, so I went in without any preconceptions of the seeming spiritual holiness of the place that people make pilgrimages from miles around to see. They do have a decent sized parking lot, so that was indeed a plus to not have to drive around for a space.
And to credit, they do indeed have some very cool things to see in here. I saw a Wonder Woman issue #2 from way back in the day, and between that, and some of the vintage guns and swords, it garnered a genuine "Wow" from me. I like antique stuff, so there were some incredibly noteworthy additions.
But was it worth the 45 minutes we waited in line out of love for my dear sister? Not so much. Two glaring issues for me. Everything in the store had HUGE "Don't Touch" signs all over them. I can understand to an extent, as I'm sure there have been issues of some starstruck clod molesting an artifact that was prominently featured on TV, but it kind of took some of that "Cool" factor down covering up almost every single on floor item. I'd rather see it behind a glass case if it means losing the additional signage.
The second thing is the themed merchandise. Again, I don't watch the show. I don't know the "characters". Half the store being devoted to shot glasses, puzzles, bobble heads, T-Shirts, throw blankets and whatnot highlighting the four characters was a little surreal and creepy for me. And I am not exaggerating in saying that these tchotchkes enveloped half the store's square footage.
I would have rather seen some of these wonderful, mythical artifacts that my sister described to me that would have prompted me to want to watch the show, and perhaps in turn make me want to embrace these four guys peering at me from a cozy and freshly purchased "Pawn Stars" blanket as I watch "Charles in Charge" reruns at home. If they are going to have THAT much merchandise, perhaps they need to build a gift shop wing onto the place.
I'd go again, if there wasn't a line to wait, and I guess I'll watch an episode as my sister admitted that the show is a lot more lively than the "real life" version of the store.
If you don't mind long lines, a fleeting chance to MAYBE see one of the stars, huge signs warning you to "Stay Away" on every single item, and half the store being devoted to bumper stickers and keychains, then check it out. As for me, my curiosity has now been satisfied.