| - A few disclaimers:
-Not looking for freebies or reimbursement. Keep the money, expensive lesson learned.
-Look at my previous yelp reviews, I have a history of writing positive, raving reviews, giving shout outs, and acknowledging hard work.
-This will be a long review but if you care about your pups, you might want to read on....
We have a 1 year old 115lb mastiff (cane corso) and a 2 year old 7lb chihuahua mix. We originally booked a suite for a week but when we were told the big guy couldn't play with the other dogs (completely understandable, sometimes I have a hard time playing with him), we decided to upgrade to the royal suite to try and make them as comfortable as possible. This ran us up to about $1000 total which we were more than okay to pay but what followed did not please us one fact, I am quite upset.
Along with the dogs, we brought their blankets, bed, crate, water/food bowls, food, treats, and medication. When we picked them up, a blanket was missing and so was the water bowl. You'd think they would call you to notify you once they found it but I had to call them (day and a half after pick up) to track down our belongings. Would they ever have called us if I didn't call them? The lady that answered the phone was either nervous or just rude in cutting me off when I was in the middle of talking/asking her questions.
Most of the food was gone but somehow our dogs BOTH lost weight. Now maybe they were nervous being there but I have never known our dogs to skip out on chicken...maybe their kibble...but not their chicken (which we sent them there with). Hardly any of their doggy treats were used. There was an excess of medication left - which means they didn't give our dog his meds like they had said they would. We even called the vet afterwards to verify that they gave us the right quantity so as not to wrongfully accuse anyone.
The biggest question mark/upset that I have is how my dogs are behaving since they have gotten home. Right when we got back, they went over to their food area and lay down - they only do that when they are starving. So we put food in their bowls and they would not eat out of their bowls until the next day when we decided to wash everything. Then they gobbled up their food! They are ecstatic to be at home but to put it bluntly, they look beyond scared if we give them a simple "no" command. Prior to boarding them, it took a couple 'no's' for them to stop doing whatever they were doing. Now, if we say 'no' once, the chihuahua runs for cover under the bed and the mastiff tucks his tail and cowers in the hallway...or he just rolls over on his back. They are usually very independent but they haven't left our sides since we have been home. At first, I thought these things were because we left them in a foreign place for awhile but these dogs literally drag us into the vet. They love attention from strangers and we have socialized both of them by taking them almost anywhere we can (patio at Eggworks, Home Depot, Bass Pro Shop, road trips back home, hiking, dog parks) but they are acting very, very odd.
Our big dog has an appointment to get checked out because he's got some type of rooster looking canker sores on his jowls, they are bright red instead of his usual pink. Both of their skin looks dry and irritated. Not to mention they, and their food bowls were disgustingly filthy.
I have plenty more to rant but I think this establishment has had enough lashings. Needless to say, I will never come back here for anything - not even to pick up the blanket and water bowl, our dogs won't touch the blankets we brought back after washing them at home!!
I have my healthy suspicions and worries that I'll keep to myself but what I can say with confidence is:
This establishment did not deliver the services we paid for/they promised, they were very unprofessional and rude on multiple occasions, and for whatever reason, our dogs are traumatized from this. I will never recommend this place and if anybody asks me, I will openly tell them how awful of an experience it was.