| - I really wasn't prepared for what I was getting myself into by coming to this place.
First off, the company website said they were located in College Park. This was confusing as they are technically the building south which I believe is being called the Aura Building or something like that anyways. None the less, upon actually finding this place on Yonge, we made our way in and upstairs to the second floor to begin our shopping adventure.
First impressions: "Whoa, look at all this stuff!"
Seriously, the first few racks and shelves have no rhyme or reason of the items on their shelves. Its a little confusing and a little daunting at first, but once you make it a bit further, things start to take more logical form in the sense of going from kitchen goods into living room goods and cleaning products, and then into bedrooms, etc. Thats also when you start to realize that you have more stuff that your arms will carry. Finding shopping carts or baskets seemed near impossible until we flagged a worked who was nice enough as to go and get one for us.
And then, the real shopping began. Because the place has so much variety in goods, you can't help but want to look at everything. So plan ahead, a what I expected to be in and out within an hour had us realize almost 90 minutes in that our parking would expire soon.
In the end, I walked out with a few kitchen gadgets, neat smelling soaps, and a bunch of Christmas gifts for my mom. Not exactly deals on pricing, but the one-off nature of the items made it seem fair and justifiable. On the flip side, looking at the high costs of things like shower organizers and dishware, makes you also appreciate the Ikeas and even Honest Eds, Walmarts, etc of the world for the dime a dozen type houseware stuff that doesn't need individuality.