| - I have had several garage sales: too much time preparing and everyone wants everything for free, messed around with Craig's list: tired of wasting my time sending e-mails back and forth and trying to figure out who's not trying to con me, and donated many items to Goodwill: which is great for Goodwill and the person buying it, but upsets me to see that I paid top dollar for the item and I'm literally giving it away. So, I decided to try kid to kid. I called ahead to see if I needed an appointment because I literally had 10 crates of items, they told me no, but if I could be the first in line it would be of great benefit. My husband and I were there before they opened with my trove of baby and children's items: clothing, toys, riding toys, shoes, halloween costumes, ball name it, I had it! I had been saving all these things for a second child, which never happened, so everything was either brand new with tags or in "like new condition." After bringing all of my things in, other people started to show up with their items to sell too. It was not very organized, and as a matter of fact, someone shopping there let their child ride off in my little tykes coupe, which the person sifting through my things didn't even know it was mine. I had to tell her, so she could chase it down and add it to my "list." So, at the end of 90 minutes (the amount of time they spent going through everything, (they request you stay for your first visit selling to the store), and after bringing in an estimated $1000 worth of items that I paid retail for, they offered me $107. *sigh* They had everything heaped into a pile behind the cash register with other people's things, I have no idea if that price truly included everything I brought in, especially since they do not give you an itemized list. Not only that, am I supposed to go behind the counter and take back things I don't even know what prices they offered me? It seemed kind of shady to me. Not only that, I ended up taking some of my items back out to my car that they didn't want. Guess what? went straight to Goodwill. I think I almost prefer that, at least I know they are not trying to rip me off.